// lost.in.typeface | penny robinson

labels: photography // documentation  // signage
genre: photography
year: on going project (started 2019)
Lost in Typeface is an instagram I run under the pseudonym Penny Robison. There I document fascinating signage across the United States, but primarily in the Midwest. My hope is to capture these overlooked art forms, forgotten letterforms, and outdated styles, before they disappear for forever.  Over the years I came to the realization that I was drawn to photographing signage and letterforms and now believe at least a portion of this compulsion is driven by my brain attempting to process my dyslexia The handle was meant to be a sort of half rhyme Lost in Space -> Lost in typeface. For those unfamiliar with the show, Penny Robison is one of the main characters, we share names that sound like currencies, her the penny, mine the nickel, so I took on the name as a way to remain semi-anonymous on social media while exploring my love of letterforms.